BSC Gateway Howto

How To Use BSC Gateway

This is tutorial on how to use Anote BSC Gateway to send anotes from Anote chain to BSC chain and the other way around.

Anote -> BSC Direction

  • - open Trust wallet, click receive and choose BNB Smart Chain (BSC)
  • - copy the address
  • - go to wallet (
  • - send anotes to the Trust address
  • - open using Trust built-in browser
  • - withdraw anotes to Trust wallet

Fee for using gateway in this direction is 0.1 anotes when sending from to Trust and 0.005 BNB when withdrawing from gateway to Trust. Gas price is also applied in BNB. The amount is limited to 2 anotes per withdraw.

BSC -> Anote Direction

  • - go to wallet (
  • - copy the address
  • - open using Trust built-in browser
  • - enter your Anote address and the amount of anotes
  • - click send to Anote

In this direction, there are no fees other than BNB gas to send to Anote chain and anotes will appears in automatically with no withdrawal from gateway needed.